New clubs in EBV
If you are thinking of moving to Japan or kill two hours in a Monday there are two new clubs at EBV. The Japanese Club from Thursdays 3:30 - 5:30. Only 15 student were allowed to enter. There you can have fun learning how to talk and write in Japanese and you also learn about the culture of Japan. But don't worry, it’s not a history lesson. Japan is a really weird but interesting country.
Board games clubs are every Monday from 3:30 to 5:30. The first 6 to come to the library get to play some awesome games, no signup. If you just want to see what this club is all about, you can just come right after the bell rings and if you get there fast enough you can play one of a variety of board games Mr. Diaz has on his shelf from group games like Zombicide to Every- Person- For- himself/herself kind of game like Monopoly and Civilization. It is a fun and exciting experience that you should come to see.

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