10: Justin Bieber saves a Russian man from a bear: This one is in the list not because it fooled many people like the other in this list, but because the idea that Justin Bieber fighting a bear: the biggest wimp in the internet fought a bear, it's laughable and it's overall stupid.
9: A disfigured 3-year-old was kicked out of a Mississippi KFC: this hoax made a KFC in Mississippi completely desolated for 3 day in demand for equality. A poor family told the hoax to get attention. They said “that they were asked to leave a KFC franchise because their daughter’s facial scarring “scared” other customers”. A police research uncovered the lie “there is no evidence that they were even in the building that day”, Unfortunately the girl's face was really disfigured and KFC did not only avoided charges but gave them 30,000 dollars to give the small girl a face surgery. This hoax did end with a happy ending.
8: Earth will suffer six days of “total darkness”: A fake article of a bad news source. You might believe people might think twice before believing this, but no. A huge lot of people thought that in 2014 there was going to be 6 day of complete darkness thanks to a solar storm. It was a really obvious and stupid lie that fooled half America.
7: The Elusive Northwest Tree-Dwelling Octopus: This was a prank that 3 teenage boy told to get attention. The hoax consists of a specie called Elusive Northwest Tree-Dwelling Octopus which was supposedly to be a three climb, frog eating, air berthing octopus…. It was a lie. Duh!
6: Zionist Protocols: Now it's really getting interesting. You might have thought that Adolf Hitler was a sicko. If you want proof look all he did to the Jewish people. Well, this hoax will prove you wrong because, according to it, a document was found in Russia containing the plans of a world domination lead by the Jewish people. It was, of course, a lie.
5: Crop Circles: You know when you turn on your TV and you want to watch a movie with a friend, you scroll down a few channels and find an Aliens movie, but in the movie you see some weird circles on the fields and some cow and you friend says “this is a classic”. Well, the classic begun here. One of the biggest hoaxes comes in the form of holes in a field that make it look like a alien sing but no… just no.
4: Mermaids: a man claimed to have captured a mermaid, but like the rest of the hoaxes in this list it was a fat lie. Actually this was about a CGI project where the men who told the hoax were trying to create a half monkey half fish. I guess that need some work if it looked like a mermaid.
3: Microsoft bought the catholic church: The catholic church, a place where you can ask god the forgiveness for your sins... and now you can also buy the new XBOX ONE, AMEN! To start it seems the people in this time where all crazy, if Microsoft bought the catholic church they will spend a lot of money in pest control because it will have a lot of bugs. If you are one of the ones who think the church was bad before, wait until it runs on windows.
2: Aliens: An alien body was found and given to a biologist to be inspected. The biologist took a picture and sent it by mail to a friend that later post it on the internet, or so will the picture make you believe. The reason this got so high up is because the photo looked extremely real and people were still asking if it was real even after the photo was confirmed to be fake, or so the US government wants you to believe.
1: The Loch Ness Monster “Surgeon’s Photo”: this got to the first place for 3 reasons: number one, it's was definitely the most disappointing one. Why would you not want the Loch Ness Monster to be real? Number two, the picture was given by a reliable source and is as real as it can be. And number three: the man who did this had the world fooled for 64 years and his final word where “The picture is fake, I got you all”.
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