Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Trip Of Wonders

The Orlando trip for the 5th graders is coming closer. Ms. Gomez, elementary principal, assured that this year there will be no surprises like last year and they will go in February, not in April. “February is the most ideal time since there is less rain and less people” said Ms. Gomez. “This is the students first act of independence and these trips help them by applying the skill they learn as of now to the real world” said Ms. Majerus. Ms Gomez presented the presentation of Orlando trip in the auditorium to inform parents about it. The trips itself is something magical because it's going to Orlando and having fun with your friends while you learn. There are multiple activities like the Animal Kingdom where they learn about the student survival skills and Nouba, one of the main attractions, it's a circus where you get to see an incredible show then you get to see behind the scenes. The reason that the group goes to the circus is to learn about teamwork and how we all need help no matter how good we are. This year the cost of the trip and hotel have decreased by around 100 dollars each. “Disney has everything for all ages and going there teach them self control” said Ms.Cutler because she thinks that Disney is a good learning for all ages.

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