On Thursday, May 19 the elementary students had their play which was a total success. The play was directed by Mrs. Moran and Mrs. Frayne, they showed how proud they were of all the students that participated in the play and also their appreciation towards the teachers that participated in the play. The play was about the creators of certain fairy tales (three little pigs, red riding hood, Goldilocks and the three bears) having a dream in which fairy tales combined. During the play the audience was very respectful and they enjoyed the play a lot. The students had a lot of fun participating in the play and they are are hoping to participate in it again next year.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
All Booked Up
15 days left until the school year is over, well no, there has been a change of plans; now there are 12 days of school left! At EBV as well as all of the Maracaibo private and public schools, classes have been suspended for the last few Fridays due to “energy saving ordered by presidential decree published in Official Gazette No. 40890” (ahorro energético, ordenado por decreto presidencial 2.294 publicado en Gaceta Oficial Nº 40890), as stated by Venezuelan newspaper, La Patilla. Due to all of this, EBV has taken different actions to ensure the best for all students at EBV. On Wednesdays classes will end at 3:10 like a normal day rather than 2:10 as stated in an email sent by Dr. Rosie herself, “All Wednesdays in May and June will be full days (no early release).” In addition, final exams that would take place on the last Friday of the school year have been rescheduled. Actions have not only been taken for Secondary students but also for the ones in Elementary. For example, the 5th grade graduation has been also changed from Friday, May 10 to Thursday, May 9. Even though, there is no school on Fridays teachers are doing there best to ensure that they can accomplish all of their goals for the school year!

Undefeated (EBV) teams
They can make a goal every time you want one, they can make a basket every time you ask for it! Things are seldom what they seem so keep an eye on the great athletes of EBV! They are the middle school boys soccer and girls basketball team! The athletes traveled to Valencia from May 12 to May 14 to show off their great skills. Not only did they both win 1st place, the girls basketball team won the sportsmanship award. This was a great season for both boys and girls as they did a very good job and maintained the reputation of the school. The girls won every game, meaning that they were undefeated, while they boys won all the games except one, which they tied. The boys were divided into two teams, the yellow team and the blue team. All of the players did a great job and brought home the trophies!

Go Field Day!
June 9th here we come, Field Day is here and you didn’t mishear
At Escuela Bella Vista, it is a tradition to do an annual Field Day; every student participates in a plethora of fun games fit for everyone. There are two Field Days, an elementary and a middle school Field Day. Doctor Rosie was informed by a fellow student about our tradition and we have our Field Day! It is extremely important we don’t abuse of this privilege so we can enjoy many more years of this. STUCO has kindly volunteered to plan our Field Day so make sure to thank them too. As a student I wish you the best of luck but try to beat my team and you will lose. As STUCO representative Diego Sampieri said, “ It’ll be the best one ever”.

Fifth Graders; Shadows for a Day
Last Wednesday May 18, the fifth graders shadowed the 6th graders, now middle school experts. This day is called 'Shadow Day' and has been done for various years in the EBV community. It is now considered a tradition for fifth graders. Consists of experiencing how is to be in middle school and preparing for the years to come. For the six graders, it consist of being role models and demonstrating how is the ordinary middle school life. According to Paula .M., this was an exciting day that allowed them to feel more than they are, making them feel like middle schoolers. For both grades, this is an exciting day full of activities that might seem ordinary for the 6th graders but extraordinary for the soon-to-be middle schoolers.
The Bold, The Young and The Murdered, a Successful School Play…
Thursday 26, the secondary EBV play debuted on our auditorium, starting at 6:30 pm, not failing to demonstrate how talented Middle School and High School students are. With the genre of humor and the plot about the soap opera, it was said that the play was hilarious and shocking (TAN, TAN TAAANNNN). The plot was about the actors inside a soap opera who are struggling to arrive to Hollywood finding themselves stuck on daytime TV. The crazy characters are forced to work hard to keep their show going, when it is on the verge of being cancelled. Through the play, the actors amazed the audience with their crazy characters and traumatic scenes. According to Ms. Toro and Mr. Oviol, this play is worth watching.

Beastly Amazing!
Tale as old as time, trailer as good as new. After months and months of rumors we can officially announce that the Beauty and the Beast trailer has officially been released on YouTube! According to the official YouTube page, the trailer was released on May 22nd 2016. If you though this film wasn't going to be magical enough, then you’re in for a treat. Starring Emma Watson as Belle, the trailer has already gotten incredible responses. “I watched the trailer, and I really like it” said our very own teacher Ms. Milly. In the trailer you can get a clear view of the castle, and even hear the voices of teapots and candles talking about Belle. Most importantly, you can see Belle reaching for the rose and catch a glimpse of the beast’s portrait. The movie itself is coming out March 16, 2017! Let’s hope this movie reaches up to it’s high standards. Should you watch it? Be our guest!

A walk to Remember
Let’s start this article by saying CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2016! On May 24th 2016, the seniors celebrated their final moments as students in Escuela Bella Vista by walking in the courtyard following clapping and cheering from the other students. “ I feel like this definitely teaches the younger students that they can do it and not to give up” said a fellow eighth grader Nicolas Rangel. “I wish that was me.” told us another fellow middle school-er Gustavo Sanchez. Don’t we all wish we could be them? After the walk when everyone was headed to class, the seniors were greeted by their parents cheering for them and making cheerful noise as they left the campus with smiles on their faces and memories they will never forget. One day, all of us will leave this school, and we do we will look back at all the memories we had here. Let’s just wait our turn. BEST OF LUCK SENIORS!

World leaders are “rattled” by Trump
President Obama shares his opinion about Donald
Barack Obama currently expressed his feelings about the republican
presidency contender Donald Trump to reporters in Ise City, Japan. During which
he announced that heads of state were “rattled" by one of the candidates for the U.S. presidency, "and for good reason”. In addition, he explained that, “the
proposals made by Trump displayed either ignorance of world affairs or cavalier
attitude”. Obama also addressed the fact that Trump was evidently more
interested in his investment in social media and popularity rather than the
importance of keeping America “safe, secure and prosper”. President Obama simply stressed the fact that
the world is worried about Donald Trump; not only himself, but also other
government officials find themselves concerned towards the candidate’s
propositions. Who better to shine light on Trump’s current status around the
world than the president of the U.S. himself, who is held in high esteem by
most United States citizens?
Infections may be the cause Alzheimer’s?
According to recent studies Alzheimer’s may be
caused by a fierce reaction that origins from infections.
“Could it be that Alzheimer’s disease stems from the toxic
remnants of the brain’s attempt to fight off infection?
Provocative new research
by a team of investigators at Harvard leads to this startling hypothesis, which
could explain the origins of plaque, the mysterious hard little balls that
pockmark the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.” Writes the New York Times, as
new medical investigations have been tried that may explain the cause of one of
the world’s most infamous diseases; Alzheimer’s. Experts have developed the
idea that infections, even the most simple one’s, may cause a fierce reaction,
leaving debris in the brain that may be the cause of Alzheimer’s. According to
the New York Times, Harvard researchers have confirmed their hypothesis using “neurons
growing in petri dishes as well as in yeast, roundworms, fruit flies and mice.”
Even though scientists may have had a groundbreaking discovery that can change
the face of medicine in the future and makes us closer to being able to cure
people from this terrible disease, there is still much to be done such as
experimenting on human brains and performing clinical trials.

Battling in minecraft will never be the same!
Recently there was a Minecraft update. The 1.9 pvp update changed how people battle and added multiple items and features that change how battling works.
Shields were an item that they added in. Shields, when holding right click, will block incoming arrows wherever you have your shield pointed at. They also added in an option where you can hold items in your other hands. For example, in your main hand, you can hold a sword while in your other hand you can have a shield or a bow or even another sword! You can have any item allowing for different PVP strategy to occur. You can someone to protect others by having a shield or golden apples, or you can be an archer with a bow. The possibilities are limitless.
They also added changes to pvp in general. There are now abilities on your swords and axes. The Shield Breaker ability is on axes and causes all shields hit by an axe to have to recharge for 7 seconds. In that recharge time, your shield is unusable. The swords have the swing ability, which causes area damage. Another addition is that your swords have a recharge time after you swing. They also made axes do a lot more damage and gave them a long recharge time. Here are exactly the amounts of damage if the sword had been fully recharged:
Swords: 0.625 seconds to recover DMG: damage per second
Wooden Sword: 4 damage 6.4
Gold Sword: 4 damage’ 6.4
Stone Sword: 5 damage’ 8.0
Iron Sword: 6 damage 9.6
Diamond Sword: 7 damage 11.2
Axes: Different attack speeds depending on weapon
Wooden Axe: 7 damage 1.25 seconds to recover 5.6
Gold Axe: 7 damage 1.00 seconds to recover 7.0
Stone Axe: 9 damage 1.25 seconds to recover 7.2
Iron Axe: 9 damage 1.11 seconds to recover 8.1
Diamond Axe: 9 damage 1.00 seconds to recover 9.0
How would you like to eat the world?
Tasty planet 2 is an insane 2d game where you are a “grey goo” traveling through time and eating all sorts of historical monuments. Jayisgames.com Says that “It is extremely satisfying to run from enemies, just to turn around and them yourself.
The concept of this game is that you can eat everything smaller than yourself. When you eat, you grow, and then you can eat bigger things. While you are growing in the normal timeline, you somehow eat a time machine. The time machine takes you to a15ll sorts of lands. These include ancient Rome ( where you eat the Colosseum), ancient Egypt (where you eat the Sphinx), the Jurassic period (where you eat a volcano) and so on. There are things that are bigger than you, that can hurt you. This makes you lose your size. But all in all, this game is deliciously good.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Venezuelan to an Oscar
Edgar Ramirez is a Venezuelan
actor, whom in his 39 years, has achieved to be in movies co-starting Jenifer
Lawrence (The Hunger Games) and Teresa
Palmer (The Sorcerer's Apprentice), not only that but he is so good that he was
nominated to an OSCAR. Edgar Filiberto Ramirez Arellano was born on March 25,
1977, he became known when he played the starting role in Carlos, and was given
the Cesar Award for Most Promising Actor in 2010. Recently, he was nominated to
the 2016 OSCAR awards and his upcoming movie is The Girl on The Train.
Photo courtesy: variety.com
Venezuelan Musicians Enlighten The World
The 'Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros
Juveniles', the national system of juvenile orchestra and band was founded in
1975 by the teacher musician, Jose Antonio Abreu. Now, in its forty-one years. They have succeeded on a tour through whole Europe. It is now directed by
Gustavo Dudamel. In 2015, they performed nine concerts in England, Germany,
Belgium and France. It is one of the most successful orchestras in the whole
world! Congratulations to our Venezuelan musicians!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
In Honor of our Country
The Venezuelan Week Special Issue
In Escuela Bella Vista we take a
whole week to celebrate our country’s culture, history, gastronomy among other
things. We celebrate Venezuela by presenting our topics in creative ways such
as plays. This is done in order to remind ourselves how extremely lucky we are
to live in this wonderful country. So in honor of Venezuela and the week
dedicated to it, the EBVista News team has decided to write several articles
about good things that have happened in our country to remind us of how
beautiful and great Venezuela is. In honor of this cultural week and this
country, EBVista News brings you The Venezuelan Week Special Issue.
All over the world, there are different religions. However, in Venezuela 87.82% of the population is Catholic, as stated by http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/country/sc1.html (a statistical website). Therefore, an excellent news story reached Venezuela, “Pope Francis is ready to visit Venezuela and is waiting to be invited”, stated Aldo Giordano, a Apostolic Nuncio appointed to Venezuela on October 26, 2013. The apostolic assured that the Pope would be able to fix his agenda in order to visit Venezuelan adults, young adults, and children. This news has been very comforting for a lot of Venezuelan people, who are waiting for the Pope. Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He is described as a “simple” man by http://www.ibtimes.com/catholicism-china-pope-francis-message-brings-hope-improved-sino-vatican-relations-1659876, let him bring “comfort, humility, and simplicity” to Venezuela!
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