According to recent studies Alzheimer’s may be
caused by a fierce reaction that origins from infections.
“Could it be that Alzheimer’s disease stems from the toxic
remnants of the brain’s attempt to fight off infection?
Provocative new research
by a team of investigators at Harvard leads to this startling hypothesis, which
could explain the origins of plaque, the mysterious hard little balls that
pockmark the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.” Writes the New York Times, as
new medical investigations have been tried that may explain the cause of one of
the world’s most infamous diseases; Alzheimer’s. Experts have developed the
idea that infections, even the most simple one’s, may cause a fierce reaction,
leaving debris in the brain that may be the cause of Alzheimer’s. According to
the New York Times, Harvard researchers have confirmed their hypothesis using “neurons
growing in petri dishes as well as in yeast, roundworms, fruit flies and mice.”
Even though scientists may have had a groundbreaking discovery that can change
the face of medicine in the future and makes us closer to being able to cure
people from this terrible disease, there is still much to be done such as
experimenting on human brains and performing clinical trials.

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