Thursday, May 12, 2016

Oh, the People You'll Know!

Some walk around in circles. Some talk to themselves. But all in all we humans have bad habits that makes most people mad. Here we are going to make a list of the top ten worst people possible. To count as an habit, this must be done constantly and the person has to have little and or no control over the action.

Number 10: The negatively thinking guy

There is no conversation with this kind of people. A typical conversation with one who thinks this way will go around the lines of “hey what do you want to do” “ nothing”, “how about we go play video games” “no” “well how about we watch tv” “no” “god play a freaking board game” “ absolutely, not” and then you quit and quietly leave him alone.

Number 9:  the Bailer

You talk to all your friend, you are ready to go to club nautico at 8:00, there is Jeff, Samantha and… wait where is Eduardo. The guy who has the bad habit of either appears last or not appears at all. He just leave you there hanging, and that can be quite  annoying. This person can still be a good and loyal person he just always get tired or forget or something happens so he cant never go anywhere.

Number 8: The judge

You know this person. They are usually also perfectionist, if you have the minimum error in how you look, how you talk or even how you chew. If you have this kind of friend you will come in and out of your closet at least a dozen times.

Number 7: The misleading person.

This kind of person is probably the least common in our list. They say yes when they mean no and even though it's a small tweak but you sometime wish to throw them out of the window. To give you an example you ask them if they want brownie, they say “ sure.. ” you are about to hand them a brownie and immediately he/she replies “ if I wasn't completely full and if i weren't in a diet plus i'm presty sure i'm allergic to nuts but other then that i'm pretty sure I can”, so annoying.

Number 6: the guy who really needs a watch

He/She need a watch not because he is late but because he/she has no idea how time works. When you i say no idea i mean no idea. If they text you 5-10 minutes you will probably be waiting there for a couple of hours.

Number 5: the oversensitive guy

This people are usually the person who are targeted by racism. Now i know how big a problem racism is but this kind of person you don't necessarily need to say anything racist to offend them. You need to be careful if you even come close to them with cookies because he will over react and tell you how he was left out. You tell him be careful with the stop sign and he get offended because he is asian and you are saying he cant drive. You are playing hide and seek and you say you cant find him because it too dark he will start protesting because he african american. Or even if he loses something then the  will say “so you're calling me irresponsible what if you left it” then you say you didn't and he says “ now you calling me a liar, and finally you tell him not he just cumplsy and he start prtesting in how you are calling him stupid.

Number 4: The dicher

Difference between him and the bailer is that this guy is more frustrating he has the nerve to show up and then immediately goes do something else. There is actually steps this kind of people make. Step number one look for anything else step number two if step number one fails play with your phone step number three is your phone is out of battery then sleep and final step number four if you just drank coffee day dream and don't mind any of your friend.

Number 3: The overly competitive guy

If you play with this guy you might as well let him win or you can forget about them being your friend the chances are low and you are probably going to get a dislocated bone to add to the frustration. This person is better to have at your team because he can be pretty funny to watch.

Number 2: The guy who forgot his wallet

Some friend are better going cheap in because you know he won't pay, you are one hundred percent sure he won't pay. It’s either I left my wallet or i'm a little short in cash but he won't pay. Some that can be even worse is when they say they will pay you want they get the money, but apparently they went in bankruptcy for the whole time and living in a box because that money never comes.  

Number 1: The guy cant stop talking

Most people get used to this after some time but for the first few months it'll be a hellish nightmare you won't escape. To poking at you for hours to calling your name a thousand time this guy is so strange it’s hard to describe. He won't let you breathe, sleep, eat or even work. But you know what they say: “if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger”.

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