15 days left until the school year is over, well no, there has been a change of plans; now there are 12 days of school left! At EBV as well as all of the Maracaibo private and public schools, classes have been suspended for the last few Fridays due to “energy saving ordered by presidential decree published in Official Gazette No. 40890” (ahorro energĂ©tico, ordenado por decreto presidencial 2.294 publicado en Gaceta Oficial NÂș 40890), as stated by Venezuelan newspaper, La Patilla. Due to all of this, EBV has taken different actions to ensure the best for all students at EBV. On Wednesdays classes will end at 3:10 like a normal day rather than 2:10 as stated in an email sent by Dr. Rosie herself, “All Wednesdays in May and June will be full days (no early release).” In addition, final exams that would take place on the last Friday of the school year have been rescheduled. Actions have not only been taken for Secondary students but also for the ones in Elementary. For example, the 5th grade graduation has been also changed from Friday, May 10 to Thursday, May 9. Even though, there is no school on Fridays teachers are doing there best to ensure that they can accomplish all of their goals for the school year!

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