Monday, May 30, 2016

How would you like to eat the world?

Tasty planet 2 is an insane 2d game where you are a “grey goo” traveling through time and eating all sorts of historical monuments. Says that “It is extremely satisfying to run from enemies, just to turn around and them yourself.

The concept of this game is that you can eat everything smaller than yourself. When you eat, you grow, and then you can eat bigger things. While you are growing in the normal timeline, you somehow eat a time machine. The time machine takes you to a15ll sorts of lands. These include ancient Rome ( where you eat the Colosseum), ancient Egypt (where you eat the Sphinx), the Jurassic period (where you eat a volcano) and so on. There are things that are bigger than you, that can hurt you. This makes you lose your size. But all in all, this game is deliciously good.

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