Recently there was a Minecraft update. The 1.9 pvp update changed how people battle and added multiple items and features that change how battling works.
Shields were an item that they added in. Shields, when holding right click, will block incoming arrows wherever you have your shield pointed at. They also added in an option where you can hold items in your other hands. For example, in your main hand, you can hold a sword while in your other hand you can have a shield or a bow or even another sword! You can have any item allowing for different PVP strategy to occur. You can someone to protect others by having a shield or golden apples, or you can be an archer with a bow. The possibilities are limitless.
They also added changes to pvp in general. There are now abilities on your swords and axes. The Shield Breaker ability is on axes and causes all shields hit by an axe to have to recharge for 7 seconds. In that recharge time, your shield is unusable. The swords have the swing ability, which causes area damage. Another addition is that your swords have a recharge time after you swing. They also made axes do a lot more damage and gave them a long recharge time. Here are exactly the amounts of damage if the sword had been fully recharged:
Swords: 0.625 seconds to recover DMG: damage per second
Wooden Sword: 4 damage 6.4
Gold Sword: 4 damage’ 6.4
Stone Sword: 5 damage’ 8.0
Iron Sword: 6 damage 9.6
Diamond Sword: 7 damage 11.2
Axes: Different attack speeds depending on weapon
Wooden Axe: 7 damage 1.25 seconds to recover 5.6
Gold Axe: 7 damage 1.00 seconds to recover 7.0
Stone Axe: 9 damage 1.25 seconds to recover 7.2
Iron Axe: 9 damage 1.11 seconds to recover 8.1
Diamond Axe: 9 damage 1.00 seconds to recover 9.0
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