PTSA celebrated valentine's day with everybody on February 11. They celebrated and gathered money with a bake sale that took place at the tunnel towards the field at EBV.
Valentine's day was Celebrated at EBV with a bake sale. In the bake sale they sold lots of things such as Flowers (roses), cupcakes, cookies, bracelets, tea (bottled) and “Panela con Limon”. Everything turned out great although by lunch time they had already runned out of flowers and the bracelets which were sold quickly because many people wanted them. Even though other things weren't sold as quick, everything except some bottles of tea were sold by the end of the day; which showed the success of the event. For most people this day was very fun and full of surprises while getting roses and other things as presents from others and some were just happy for giving presents and showing their appreciation towards others. A lot of people enjoyed the treats and the gifts from the bake sale and now they are hopping it will happen again because they want another bake sale, specially from PTSA. The only thing they want more than an ordinary bake sale is another “Love themed sale”.

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