You see, going a saturday to school is not thaaaaaattt baaaaaddd, at least not with VANAS. Okay, first of all, if you are going to read an article about VANAS, you must know what it is. VANAS stands for Venezuelan Assossiation of North American Schools, that's why all english speaking schools in Venezuela see and know each other. So yeah, last saturday was VANAS. EBV boys basketball won against Nogal, gaining their first place in the championship and girls EBV soccer team won against San Vicente de Paul gaining their third place in the competition. Congrats to both teams!!! You worked reaally haaaaardddddd. So yes, give yourself a round of applause and a palm on the back. You deserve it.
These were the results:
Boys Basketball Places:
1st. EBV
2nd. Nogal
3rd. Colegio Aleman de Maracaibo
4th. ECA
Girls Soccer Places:
1st. Colegio Aleman de Maracaibo
3rd. EBV
4th. San Vicente de Paul

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