Take a stand. Lend a Hand.
As many other schools around the world do, Escuela Bella Vista celebrated the annual Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday, February 24, 2016. The school has been motivated to support this special cause by creating a remarkable "in-school holiday". Pink Shirt Day is a very important day at EBV, where students wear pink shirts to support anti-bullying and take action against bullying. An elementary teacher, called Ms. Riley, was the one who initiated this activity at EBV. According to Wikipedia and www.pinkshirtday.org.nz/, this event was first organized by David Shepherd and Travis Price of Berwick, in 2007 who bought and gave 50 pink shirts to students in their school, after a ninth grade student, Jadrien Cota, was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Therefore, in Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald (the school where this event happened) recognized the second Thursday of September as a "Stand Up Against Bullying Day".
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